2024 Competition Results
Thank you so much to the hundreds of entrants we've had. For our second year as a festival, we consider this to be an amazing honour and success. We recognise that each and every one of you have poured your heart and soul into these films, so we are sad that we have to cut down so much. If your film is not below, it hasn't been selected to go forward to the next round, but please don't take this to heart - often we had to exclude films for not being suitable for a younger auience, or because a submitter had entered multiple projects and not removed the extras. There were many reasons, so please do enter a new project next year.
To the successful filmmakers listed below, congratulations! Please follow us on our socials to get notifications there first. The successful few who are selected for finalist screenings will be contacted and asked to send a digital copy directly to us with subtitles, regardless of language, for accessibility purposes. We look forward to meeting some of you at the event as well, but tickets are selling fast, so please do book your tickets to avoid disappointment.
We are very sorry that we cannot give individual feedback on your entries.